Tag "dax"

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Last Weeks Reading (2023-12-17)

đź“° News What happened in the DAX world in 2022 New DAX functions… in 2022 The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge Microsoft Ignite edition is back! How to build unit

Last Week Reading (2019-10-20)

Hello folks! 2 weeks passed but eventually, I have some news for you. Press Support for Azure Databricks Instance pool for operationalizing Databricks workloads in Data Factory Public Preview feature

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Last Week Reading (2019-07-28)

I believe that most of you have got a holiday already (enjoy!) or are planning some now. This is the last post of “Last Week Reading” series before my holiday.

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Last Weeks Reading (2019-05-26)

It was tremendously extensive week for me (a week ago) when I spent time between two conferences: SQLDay (Wroclaw, Poland) and SQL Saturday #857 (Kiev, Ukraine). I’ve been helping and

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Last Week Reading (2019-05-12)

Hello folks! One week passed, another one almost began. And that will be a crazy week on two conferences. Today, I’m in Wroclaw (Poland) where we’re prepping SQLDay conference –

Last Week Reading (2019-01-27)

Hello guys, a few internet posts that you might find interested. Press Azure SQL Analytics—Automating Deployment Apparently, it wasn’t an easy piece of work as Joey D’Antoni has thought. Generating Reports Using

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Last Week Reading (2019-01-13)

Good morning chaps! Bunch of news from the world of data freshly served. Press Office Hours 2019/1/2 (With Transcriptions) The last episode. Personally, I’m sad, but waiting for new ideas

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Last week reading (2018-06-03)

Modern data warehouse See how a modern data warehouse works from beginning to end. Load confidently with SQL Data Warehouse PolyBase Rejected Row Location Great news for all Azure SQL

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Last week reading (2018-03-11)

SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON Is One Hell of a Bad Idea How dangerous IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS might be What is a Managed Instance (preview)? Yaay! Microsoft has just introduced Managed Instance which allows

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Last week reading (2017-12-31) & Happy New Year!

Yeap, this is last day of the year 2017. So, I do not expect too many readers of this post – almost everyone is preparing to go to New Year