Last week reading (2017-12-31) & Happy New Year!

Last week reading (2017-12-31) & Happy New Year!

Yeap, this is last day of the year 2017. So, I do not expect too many readers of this post – almost everyone is preparing to go to New Year Eve Party, meeting with friends or spending their time with family at home. Probably not reading blogs, right? Therefore this post gonna be quite short.

Copy data from Azure blob storage to Azure cosmos DB
Quick tutorial how to copy data to Cosmos DB

What has happened in the DAX world in 2017
Marco Russo summarises changes (past and future) from DAX perspective

31 Days of #CosmosDBTrivia in December
It is not a single post but series of posts on Twitter about #CosmosDB

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2018
Good reading at beginning of the new year, not only for those who are working in financial market.

Checklist for Finalizing a Data Model in Power BI Desktop
Double check your data model in Power BI before you pass the reports to business

24 Data Science, R, Python, Excel, and Machine Learning Cheat Sheets
Good starting point if you interested one of these languages/trends

SQL Server Internals: In-Memory OLTP
Redgate & Kalen Delaney offer the second edition of her book about In-Memory

What’s So Bad About Shrinking Databases with DBCC SHRINKDATABASE?
Talking about why not shrinking databases is never enough. Read Brent Ozar’s post if you’re not sure the real impact.

Tomorrow, the new year will commence. I wish you all – implementation of all your goals and dreams, many successes and obviously… more data to work with, health, smile and happiness also in you work place!

*** Happy New Year 2018 !!! ***


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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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