Last week reading (2018-09-02)

Last week reading (2018-09-02)

Good day SQL folks!

Here we are, new week, new Monday and something new to read about the Data Platform world.

TLA+ specification of the bounded staleness and strong consistency guarantees
The 8th of many Technical Blogs on Azure Cosmos DB database internals – TLA+ specification of the bounded staleness and strong consistency guarantees

Clustering on mixed type data
Clustering unsupervised data is not an easy task. Indeed, data crunching and exploration is in such a context often driven by domain knowledge, if not pure intuition, and made difficult as there is no way to measure the accuracy of the resulting segmentation (as opposed to supervised learning).

What the Shard? Partitioning Azure Cosmos DB with the Mongo DB .NET Driver
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database. An advanced and powerful feature is the ability to partition data. This is commonly referred to as sharding.

Configure a SQL Server container in Kubernetes for high availability
Learn how to configure a SQL Server instance on Kubernetes in Azure Container Service (AKS), with persistent storage for high availability (HA). The solution provides resiliency. If the SQL Server instance fails, Kubernetes automatically re-creates it in a new pod. AKS provides resiliency against a Kubernetes node failure.

On-premises data gateway August update is now available
Read about the improvements to the custom data connectors support announced in the July release. With the August release, the enterprise gateway now supports custom data connectors that are using the Direct Query technology and\or using ODBC drivers.

ASF 013: James Rowland-Jones interview
James Rowland-Jones is a Principal Program Manager for Microsoft. He is passionate about delivering highly scalable solutions that are creative, simple and elegant in their design. James specializes in big data warehouse solutions such as Microsoft Analytics Platform System (APS), Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Hadoop ecosystems



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