Last Week Reading

Last Week Reading 1 Comment

Last Weeks Reading (2024-02-11)

📰 News Power BI Project (PBIP) and Azure DevOps build pipelines for continuous integration Integrating the PBIP format with Azure DevOps lets you use Azure Pipelines to automate CI/CD pipelines.

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Last Weeks Reading (2024-01-28)

📰 News Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 2 – Pipelines If you’re new in Microsoft Fabric – check this series and build it with Sam. Set up Azure

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Last Weeks Reading (2023-12-17)

📰 News What happened in the DAX world in 2022 New DAX functions… in 2022 The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge Microsoft Ignite edition is back! How to build unit

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Last Weeks Reading (2023-11-26)

📰 News Deploy a Delta Sharing Server on Azure Want to learn how to deploy a DeltaSharing server on Azure, but don’t know where to begin? Why Structured Streaming and

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Last Weeks Reading (2023-11-05)

📰 News Process Azure Event Hubs data using Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flows Read how to process Azure Event Hubs data using ADF for certain use cases. Automate a

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Last Week Reading (2022-01-02)

? Press Efficient Upserts into Data Lakes with Databricks Delta When MERGE on data lake is inefficient. Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure – part 1 With this post,

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Last Week Reading (2021-11-28)

? Press SynapseML: A simple, multilingual, and massively parallel machine learning library Microsoft just announced the release of SynapseML (previously known as MMLSpark) SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for

Last Week Reading (2020-08-02)

Press ADF Release Notes 07/31/2020 I believe this is the first Release Notes from ADF Team. Working with Git repositories in Azure Pipelines Multi-repository access and more. DevOps for Azure

Last Week Reading (2020-07-27)

Press SQL Server Management Studio 18.6 is available  The latest version of the most popular SQL Server tools is generally available. Azure Data Factory extension New version of Azure DevOps

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Last Week Reading (2020-07-12)

Press Azure resource providers operations List of all of the available ADF-specific RBAC permissions. Simplifying declarative deployments in Azure The power of What-If within ARM Template deployments. Collecting custom parameters/variables