Tag "Ljubljana"

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 029: Tomaz Kastrun interview

Introduction Tomaž Kastrun is BI & DEV developer, data analyst & data science. With more than 15 years of experiences in the field of databases, business warehouses and development, with

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 018: Mladen Prajdic interview

Introduction Mladen Prajdić is a Data Platform MVP from Slovenia. He’s been professionally programming for over 15 years, developing different types of applications in .Net (C#) and SQL Server, ranging

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 010: Dejan Sarka interview

Introduction Dejan Sarka, MCT and SQL Server MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on the development of database & business intelligence applications.  Besides projects, he spends about

SQLSaturday 0 Comments

SQL Saturday #687 Slovenia

Link to this (past) event: http://www.sqlsaturday.com/687/   Pictures

SQL Saturday #567 Ljubljana

Link to this (past) event: http://www.sqlsaturday.com/567/   Pictures