Tag "ADF"

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Last Weeks Reading (2024-01-28)

📰 News Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 2 – Pipelines If you’re new in Microsoft Fabric – check this series and build it with Sam. Set up Azure

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Weeks Reading (2023-12-17)

📰 News What happened in the DAX world in 2022 New DAX functions… in 2022 The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge Microsoft Ignite edition is back! How to build unit

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Last Weeks Reading (2023-11-05)

📰 News Process Azure Event Hubs data using Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flows Read how to process Azure Event Hubs data using ADF for certain use cases. Automate a

General 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2021-11-28)

? Press SynapseML: A simple, multilingual, and massively parallel machine learning library Microsoft just announced the release of SynapseML (previously known as MMLSpark) SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for

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Last Week Reading (2020-08-02)

Press ADF Release Notes 07/31/2020 I believe this is the first Release Notes from ADF Team. Working with Git repositories in Azure Pipelines Multi-repository access and more. DevOps for Azure

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2020-07-12)

Press Azure resource providers operations List of all of the available ADF-specific RBAC permissions. Simplifying declarative deployments in Azure The power of What-If within ARM Template deployments. Collecting custom parameters/variables

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2020-06-28)

Press ExpandString in Powershell This function can do much more than you think. Pester – using -should -throw Useful example when you want to filter output by ExceptionType or ErrorId. ADF:

ADF – Deployment from master branch code (JSON files)

In the previous episode, I showed how to deploy Azure Data Factory in a way recommended by Microsoft, which is deployment from adf_publish branch from ARM template. However, there is

DevOps 1 Comment

ADF – Continuous Integration & Deployment with Azure DevOps

Building CI/CD process for Azure Data Factory is not quite straightforward. Furthermore, there are a few different methods of doing that. Before we begin doing that, we must set up

Azure Data Factory 6 Comments

ADF and passwords with Azure Key Vault & set up GIT

Have you worked with ADF yet? Did you configure the GIT code repository to automatically upload all changes to having your own isolated branch during development? If not yet, in