Tag "DevOps"

Azure Data Factory 4 Comments

Skirmishes with automated deployment of Azure Data Factory

When it comes to Azure Data Factory deployment, I always have a few words to say. You might be aware that there are two approaches in this terms. I was

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 035: Alex Yates interview (part 2)

Introduction Alex is a Data Platform MVP who loves DevOps. He’s has been helping data professionals apply DevOps principles to relational database development and deployment since 2010. He’s most proud

Podcast 2 Comments

ASF 034: Alex Yates interview (part 1)

Introduction Alex is a Data Platform MVP who loves DevOps. He’s has been helping data professionals apply DevOps principles to relational database development and deployment since 2010. He’s most proud

Last Week Reading (2020-08-02)

Press ADF Release Notes 07/31/2020 I believe this is the first Release Notes from ADF Team. Working with Git repositories in Azure Pipelines Multi-repository access and more. DevOps for Azure

Azure Data Factory 6 Comments

Publish ADF from code to further environments

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

Publish ADF from code to service easily

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

DevOps 0 Comments

Automate deployment of Azure services with ARM Template (video)

Automation is a useful thing. It allows to avoid many mistakes and saves a lot of time. However, you need to invest some time to get started. At least the

ADF – Deployment from master branch code (JSON files)

In the previous episode, I showed how to deploy Azure Data Factory in a way recommended by Microsoft, which is deployment from adf_publish branch from ARM template. However, there is

Video 1 Comment

ADF – Continuous Integration & Deployment with Azure DevOps

Building CI/CD process for Azure Data Factory is not quite straightforward. Furthermore, there are a few different methods of doing that. Before we begin doing that, we must set up

DevOps 6 Comments

ADF and passwords with Azure Key Vault & set up GIT

Have you worked with ADF yet? Did you configure the GIT code repository to automatically upload all changes to having your own isolated branch during development? If not yet, in