Publish ADF from code to further environments

Publish ADF from code to further environments

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure DevOps Release Pipeline to deploy whole ADF from code (JSON files) to ADF instance in Azure. Behind the scenes, it runs the PowerShell module which does all job for you.
Sounds unbelievable? But it’s real! Check it out for yourself.

This video is the second part (out of two) and explains how to extend the deployment scenario by adding further environment and what to do to replace all required properties of ADF objects to get an isolated environment as a result.

The first part explained how to create Build Pipeline and Release Pipeline with this task. How to configure the fields and check how it works.

Useful Links

DevOps extension in Visual Studio marketplace: Data Factory Tools



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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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  1. Adf_fan
    August 15, 09:26 Reply

    Hi Kamil,

    This task and demo is awesome and worked perfectly when adding an environment config for Azure Key Vault, however when I added additional lines to the config file for Azure SQL database with key Vault secret for PW and ADLSgen2 with key Vault secret for access key, along with secret names it did not change the new environment configurations. Is this a known limitation, perhaps because it is in preview? Do you have any suggestions on how to add and configure these additional linked service connection properties using key Vault secrets to the config file? Thank you

    • Kamil Nowinski
      August 15, 10:36 Reply

      hey. No, there is no limitation of the tool due to preview. The tool is still in preview as I think it’s worth to test it through a sufficient amount of cases/customers and there is the plan to add more unit tests for the module, even though it works very stable now. Anyway, Could you please create a new issue on GitHub site of the project ( and attach your example of ADF file(s) and config you’re trying to apply?

  2. Rami
    February 05, 12:13 Reply

    Thanks Kamil. I was able to use your video and deploy the ADF smoothly with parameters, really, thing I wanted.
    Job well done!

  3. Raghib
    February 08, 11:12 Reply

    Hi Kamil,

    How are you? I am working on Azure Logic app to get data through http get Rest API but http get request is failed because the server did not respond with in the time out limit. There is a http limit of 120 seconds on Azure Logic apps and server is taking longer than 2 minutes to extract the data. I have used Post method to get the status code but it is failed with the outcome message of bad method. It is working on Postman so there is no issue of server. Can you please help me to fix this problem of handling http get request time out issue on Azure Logic app?


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