Tag "cosmosdb"

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-11-10)

Hello all! An extraordinary week has just passed. Two big conferences took place in the USA, PASS Summit and Ignite, where Microsoft announced plenty of new products or updates. Keynotes

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-10-06)

Hello Azure/Power/BI/Data fella! Another two weeks passed very quickly and the new edition of Community conference in the UK is about to begin. Check whether you can attend one of

Last Week Reading (2019-09-08)

Hello all and welcome after my one month of my absence. What was I doing? Thank you for asking! I have been on holiday. ONE month of very relaxing, bit

Last Week Reading (2019-04-21)

Hello Data Folk! There is plenty of readings for this week, so grab a coffee and let’s start digging in! Press Smarter, faster, safer: Azure SQL Data Warehouse is simply

Last Week Reading (2019-02-10)

Hello Data Folks! It has been a very fast week and an extensive weekend whilst I have been at SQL Saturday in Krakow, Poland. I did not submit any subject this

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-09-30)

Entire last week was dimmed by MsIgnite, hence take a look at videos from that conference: Microsoft Ignite 2018 Some sessions recorded and available over there. CosmosDB at Ignite 2018

Last week reading (2018-09-16)

Unlock petabyte-scale datasets in Azure with aggregations in Power BI Now petabyte-scale datasets in Azure is possible – watch how aggregations feature in Power BI works. Introducing Azure DevOps Call

Last week reading (2018-07-15)

Structured Streaming with Databricks into Power BI & Cosmos DB Giuliano Rapoz (Microsoft) is showing the concept of Structured Streaming with all these puzzles. Lightning fast query performance with Azure

Last Week Reading 2 Comments

Last week reading (2018-04-08)

Good morning folks, We (me & Damian) are preparing our workshop which will take place at SQLDay conference in Wroclaw (time is ticking, sooooo fast), but in the meantime I’d

Last week reading (2018-03-18)

Good day SQL folks! Thanks for visiting our blog again! Here is the information you need to calmly start the new week. Indexing and partitioning An interesting example was done

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