Last Week Reading (2019-11-10)

Last Week Reading (2019-11-10)

Hello all! An extraordinary week has just passed. Two big conferences took place in the USA, PASS Summit and Ignite, where Microsoft announced plenty of new products or updates. Keynotes and sessions from Ignite (most of them) can be seen on the website. Take a look at what I prepared for you down below here.


SQL Server 2019 is now generally available
This version is a game-changing release for Microsoft and the industry.

Modern Datawarehousing Using Azure Data Lake, CDM Folders And Power BI Dataflows
Dave Ruijter explains where is the place for Power BI dataflows in the modern approach to warehousing.

What’s new in Azure Cosmos DB: November 2019
Many interesting features in this update and I believe that AutoPilot (preview) was the most anticipated one.

Microsoft Ignite 2019 Announcements – The Ignite Book of News
Paul sharing the e-book of announcements that you must go through.

Simply unmatched, truly limitless: Announcing Azure Synapse Analytics
End-to-end experience of building and deploying rich analytics scenarios and how you can automatically generate predictive models.

Performance tips for Azure Cosmos DB and .NET
Check this out how to test performance and measure the costs.

New in Azure Synapse Analytics: CICD for SQL Analytics using SQL Server Data Tools
That’s a long-awaited feature: #SSDT for #AzureSynapseAnalytics (formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse).

Azure Synapse Analytics combines data warehouse, lake and pipelines
The third generation of SQL DW, along with new capabilities in preview.

The future of content lifecycle management in Power BI (Video)
DevOps for PowerBI? Yes! Why not!? Finally, we have a deployment pipeline. Define rules for slots (environments) and promote changes with one-click. Fabulous!

Device Offline detection with Durable Entities
Great read on device offline detection with Durable Entities by Kees Schollaart.

The November 2019 release of Azure Data Studio is now available
The new release includes SQL Server 2019 support, PowerShell notebooks, Jupyter Books, Schema Compare and more…

Large models in Power BI Premium public preview
400 GB instead of 10GB? Wow!

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Azure Synapse Analytics – Next-gen Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Smile Corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-11-03)
Next Installation and setting up Power BI Gateway

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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