Tag "SSIS"

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2022-01-02)

? Press Efficient Upserts into Data Lakes with Databricks Delta When MERGE on data lake is inefficient. Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure – part 1 With this post,

Last Week Reading (2019-11-03)

This week I’m offering you many posts about Cosmos DB, Azure Data Factory and how to design reliable Azure applications. Have a great week also for those of you who

Last Week Reading (2019-10-20)

Hello folks! 2 weeks passed but eventually, I have some news for you. Press Support for Azure Databricks Instance pool for operationalizing Databricks workloads in Data Factory Public Preview feature

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-06-30)

Another week and another round-up over data area. Take a look at what I have found for you last week. Press Azure DevOps – Build SSIS project (CI) Let’s build

Big Data 13 Comments

Mapping Data Flow in Azure Data Factory (v2)

Azure Data Factory is more of an orchestration tool than a data movement tool, yes. It’s like using SSIS, with control flows only. Once they add Mapping Data Flows to

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-03-17)

Hi there! I’m in Bellevue, WA today when finishing this post. My first MVP Summit and the second trip to the US ever. A very exciting week is coming for

Podcast 2 Comments

ASF 019: Simon Whiteley interview

Introduction As Chief Cloud Architect with Adatis Consulting, Simon Whiteley has been working with the Microsoft BI Stack for a decade, starting off building traditional warehouses with SSIS and SSAS

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-02-17)

Press Power BI Desktop February 2019 Feature Summary Preview of new Key Influencers visual and much more… The February release of Azure Data Studio is now available Extension packs are the

Big Data 8 Comments

Azure Data Factory v2 and its available components in Data Flows

Many of you (including me) wonder about it. Namely: Is it possible to move my ETL process from SSIS to ADF? How can I reflect current SSIS Data Flow business

Last week reading (2018-08-05)

Microsoft Azure Data welcomes Data Platform Summit attendees Rohan Kumar [B|T] invites to have a look at today’s mobile-first, cloud-first world and what has been changed in the area by Azure

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