Last Week Reading (2019-03-17)

Last Week Reading (2019-03-17)

Hi there! I’m in Bellevue, WA today when finishing this post. My first MVP Summit and the second trip to the US ever. A very exciting week is coming for me and I wish the same for you.


SSIS Catalog Dashboard
Tim Mitchell (T) has shared the code on GitHub.

Using Kubernetes Deployments for Updating SQL Server
Learn how to switch between various version of SQL Server in seconds.

Power BI Desktop March 2019 Feature Summary
Amanda (T) is presenting the next set of features in Power BI.

The Absolute Guide To Selecting Between Azure Analysis Services And Power BI Premium
Check out Dave’s (T) report which helps you decide which service suits you better.

Azure Data Factory: From Databricks Notebook to Data Flow
Let’s migrate some transformations to Mapping Data Flow in ADF.

What sessions do you want to see at GroupBy next month?
It’s too late for voting for a session but find out what kind of sessions happens on the 11th of April.

SSIS interview questions
Hey recruiters, here you have some example interview questions for SSIS developers.

A word from (former) Microsoft’s CEO


Microsoft Azure South Africa datacenter regions are now generally available

Smile Corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-03-10)
Next Installation SQL Server client tools

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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