Tag "Microsoft"

General 2 Comments

My last day of being MVP

Yesterday was my last day of being Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. There are several cases where you may leave the MVP Program: breaking MVP agreement by, for example, sharing confidential

Last Week Reading 1 Comment

Last Week Reading (2019-05-12)

Hello folks! One week passed, another one almost began. And that will be a crazy week on two conferences. Today, I’m in Wroclaw (Poland) where we’re prepping SQLDay conference –

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 020: Paweł Potasiński interview

Introduction CTO at Clouds On Mars, former Microsoft employee as Data Insights Product Manager for Poland. In 2007 Pawel started Polish SQL Server User Group (PLSSUG), currently known as Data

SQL Relay became Data Relay 2018

It was very long and hard-working week (8.10-12.10). I was with my data-geek #SQLfamily and friends at the (SQL) Data Relay conference. This is kind of log of that journey. Do expect

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ASF 013: James Rowland-Jones interview

Introduction James Rowland-Jones is a Principal Program Manager for Microsoft. He is passionate about delivering highly scalable solutions that are creative, simple and elegant in their design. James specializes in big

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ASF 006: Bob Ward interview

Introduction Bob Ward is a Principal Architect for the Microsoft Data Group (Tiger Team) which owns the development and servicing for all SQL Server versions. Bob has worked for Microsoft