Tag "python"

Big Data 0 Comments

Azure Databricks – create new workspace and cluster

In this post, I will quickly show you how to create a new Databricks in Azure portal, create our first cluster and how to start work with it. This post

Last Week Reading (2019-03-03)

Hey everyone! I was very busy at the SQLBits conference last week, but it did not stop me to prepare some materials for you. Press Data Never Rests Video from

Last Week Reading (2019-01-06)

Good morning chaps! Bunch of news from data’s world freshly served. Press Introduction to Testing Your PowerShell Code with Pester Robert Cain introduces us Pester for making tests. 9 popular

Last week reading (2018-12-16)

Hello data geeks. Last week we had many news about Cosmos DB, and this time the top topics are Power BI, Python, Azure Functions and ADF. We have new sections

BI Connected by SII – conference in Wrocław

Good day SQL folks! The conference season has begun. You can find very interesting conferences every week in almost every place in the globe. Of course you do not need

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-08-26)

Processing Petabytes of Data in Seconds with Databricks Delta Delta is a unified data management system that brings data reliability and performance optimizations to cloud data lakes. Monitor Azure Data

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-08-19)

Hi folks. I’m on holiday for 7 days (14 days left). The holiday is a perfect time for reading, right? Although I’m heading to Italy and writing this post in

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-02-04)

Joe Caserta: Exploring Modern Data Platforms What is a key difference between data warehousing and modern data engineering on analytics platforms? Listen to one of the leading authorities on big data