BI Connected by SII – conference in Wrocław

BI Connected by SII – conference in Wrocław

Good day SQL folks! The conference season has begun. You can find very interesting conferences every week in almost every place in the globe. Of course you do not need to find that far. Most of the time you can find great meetings just near by you.

SQLPlayer was one of the partner of such event that took place in Wrocław on 6th October. It was BI Connected by SII conference which was dedicated to the modern BI solutions.

I have met many good friends from our DataCommunity User Group (Roman). It was a great pleasure to hear to great talks. Everyone could find something interesting just to learn something new. I was very interested in the ETL topics (Maciej Grzybowski) and also about live reporting using Qlick Sense. Especially when people were sending cats (Jacek Harazin). People were very keen hearing about the analytics in SQL Server using Python and/or R (Łukasz Grala). Of course that was not all as Adrian Chodkowski explained one of the hottest topics in SQL Server – the in-memory engine. Plus lot of in information about Microsoft Azure and the support to the BI operations (Leszek Kwaśniewski & Borys Bykowski).

I would like to thank to the organizers for preparing a very professional event.  It is always a good idea to share knowledge and that was one of the event I would like to be next time as well!



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