Tag "PowerShell"

DevOps 25 Comments

Two methods of deployment Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory is a fantastic tool which allows you to orchestrate ETL/ELT processes at scale. This post is NOT about what Azure Data Factory is, neither how to use,

Publish ADF from code to further environments

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

Last Week Reading (2020-06-28)

Press ExpandString in Powershell This function can do much more than you think. Pester – using -should -throw Useful example when you want to filter output by ExceptionType or ErrorId. ADF:

Azure Data Factory 2 Comments

Publish ADF from code to service easily

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2020-02-02)

Hello. We have a beautiful date today, haven’t we? And LWR posts are coming back after a long one-month break. Press Columnstore Indexes – part 130 (“Columnstore Indexes on Azure

Last Week Reading (2019-09-22)

Hello #datafolks! Let’s review what happened last week in Data World. It’s hard to admit but I missed last week’s post due to my visit to Sweden (SQLSaturday) and not

Last Week Reading (2019-07-21)

Another week passed. Look what did I find during that time. Press British Airways faces record £183m fine for data breach The penalty imposed on BA is the first one

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-06-02)

Hello data folks. Here you have some updates from the data world. Press Where should I clean my data? James Serra’s (T) guidance when using ADF, DW, maybe Databricks… How

Last Week Reading (2019-03-24)

OMG! My brain almost blew up. All because of MVP Summit I’ve just returned from. Obviously (due to NDA), I can’t tell you what I’ve seen and found out, tons

Last Week Reading (2019-02-03)

Press Webinar Follow-Up: Top 4 Data Technology Trends for DBAs in 2019 Very interesting discussion panel led by Kevin Kline from SentryOne with his guests: Mark Allison, David Klee, and Chrissy LeMaire)

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