Tag "Databricks"

Last Week Reading 1 Comment

Last Weeks Reading (2024-02-11)

📰 News Power BI Project (PBIP) and Azure DevOps build pipelines for continuous integration Integrating the PBIP format with Azure DevOps lets you use Azure Pipelines to automate CI/CD pipelines.

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2022-01-02)

? Press Efficient Upserts into Data Lakes with Databricks Delta When MERGE on data lake is inefficient. Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure – part 1 With this post,

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2020-02-02)

Hello. We have a beautiful date today, haven’t we? And LWR posts are coming back after a long one-month break. Press Columnstore Indexes – part 130 (“Columnstore Indexes on Azure

Last Week Reading (2019-09-08)

Hello all and welcome after my one month of my absence. What was I doing? Thank you for asking! I have been on holiday. ONE month of very relaxing, bit

Last Week Reading (2019-07-07)

Hello, data eaters! Today, coming back from my friend by car, I was browsing a few posts on my cell (calmly – my wife was driving). At some point, I

Big Data 13 Comments

Mapping Data Flow in Azure Data Factory (v2)

Azure Data Factory is more of an orchestration tool than a data movement tool, yes. It’s like using SSIS, with control flows only. Once they add Mapping Data Flows to

Last Week Reading (2019-04-21)

Hello Data Folk! There is plenty of readings for this week, so grab a coffee and let’s start digging in! Press Smarter, faster, safer: Azure SQL Data Warehouse is simply

Last Week Reading (2019-04-07)

Good morning guys and gals! This time many updates and articles from ADF field, so keep reading once you sit comfortably with coffee in a hand. Press Handling Schema Drift

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-02-03)

Press Webinar Follow-Up: Top 4 Data Technology Trends for DBAs in 2019 Very interesting discussion panel led by Kevin Kline from SentryOne with his guests: Mark Allison, David Klee, and Chrissy LeMaire)

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-08-26)

Processing Petabytes of Data in Seconds with Databricks Delta Delta is a unified data management system that brings data reliability and performance optimizations to cloud data lakes. Monitor Azure Data

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