Last Week Reading (2019-07-07)

Last Week Reading (2019-07-07)

Hello, data eaters! Today, coming back from my friend by car, I was browsing a few posts on my cell (calmly – my wife was driving). At some point, I realized that today is 7/07. Yes, a special day for this blog. It’s his birthday. The second! As time goes on … I should prepare some statistics for this occasion … but I didn’t do it. I’m glad that I still have the strength and joy of running this blog, so let’s wait another year … will you wait with me?


Azure Databricks. The Blog of 60 questions. Part 1
Terry (T) and Simon (T) started this series recently.

Introducing UTF-8 support for SQL Server
Pedro Lopes, Microsoft (T) about the internal representation and performance differences between UTF-8 and UTF-16.

Azure Cosmos DB: A competitive advantage for healthcare ISVs
Building a solution for real-time tracking and management of medical devices? Azure Cosmos DB can help here.

Uploading files to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 from PowerShell using REST API, OAuth 2.0 bearer token and Access Control List (ACL) privileges
Michal presents all details from the end-to-end scenario. Many notes, examples… prepare some time to read.

Chaos engineering for SQL Server running on AKS using KubeInvaders
Killing pods in a game,… I meant… Kubernetes? Yes, let’s learn something and play!

Quick Tip: Implementing “IsNumeric” in Power Query
Find an expectation of how and where you can use this function in Power BI.

Creating Basic Greater Than Or Less Than Rules With Power BI Conditional Formatting
If you want to know little more how to implement basic ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ rules.

A word from (former) Microsoft’s CEO


Smile Corner

Previous Azure Databricks - create new workspace and cluster
Next ASF 024 video invitation

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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