Tag "Big Data"

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-05-05)

Hello folks! Another set of information about the Microsoft Data Platform. This time: Spark, SQL Edge(!), Power BI, Big Data, Pester, DevOps, YAML. Press Microsoft brings Azure SQL Database to

Last Week Reading (2019-04-07)

Good morning guys and gals! This time many updates and articles from ADF field, so keep reading once you sit comfortably with coffee in a hand. Press Handling Schema Drift

Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 020: Paweł Potasiński interview

Introduction CTO at Clouds On Mars, former Microsoft employee as Data Insights Product Manager for Poland. In 2007 Pawel started Polish SQL Server User Group (PLSSUG), currently known as Data

Last Week Reading (2019-03-24)

OMG! My brain almost blew up. All because of MVP Summit I’ve just returned from. Obviously (due to NDA), I can’t tell you what I’ve seen and found out, tons

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-03-03)

Hey everyone! I was very busy at the SQLBits conference last week, but it did not stop me to prepare some materials for you. Press Data Never Rests Video from

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-02-24)

Hello folks! This time quick review about Kubernetes, containers, automatic deployment of Data Factory and few things about Power BI. It’s gonna be a tough week: SQLBits starts on Wednesday!

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-09-16)

Unlock petabyte-scale datasets in Azure with aggregations in Power BI Now petabyte-scale datasets in Azure is possible – watch how aggregations feature in Power BI works. Introducing Azure DevOps Call

General 0 Comments

BI Conference in Wroclaw

I would like to spread the word about a new conference which appears in my favourite city in Poland – Wroclaw. I’m talking to Jacek Biały, Business Intelligence Competency Center Manager