Last Week Reading (2019-05-05)

Last Week Reading (2019-05-05)

Hello folks! Another set of information about the Microsoft Data Platform. This time: Spark, SQL Edge(!), Power BI, Big Data, Pester, DevOps, YAML.


Microsoft brings Azure SQL Database to the edge (and Arm)
“First SQL Server on Linux, then SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters, and now Azure SQL Database Edge; all with one integrated experience!” – Slava Oks.

Power BI Mobile Reporting
If you interesting how to design a good mobile report you can find some good tips in that post.

Deploying Blob Containers with ARM Templates
When you interested in what to add to an ARM Template in order to deploy Blob Container.

Improving Performance In Spark Using Partitions
No shuffle means better performance, not only with Parquet files.

Speaker Tips & Legit Feels
10 important tips for (new) conference speakers.

Updated Analytics and Big Data comparison: AWS vs Azure
Thomas LaRock made a brief comparison between these services.

Introduction to Testing Your PowerShell Code with Pester
The first post in a series about Pester.

Back to Basics: Power BI Relationship Demystified
Sometimes it’s good to back to roots. In this post, you can refresh your knowledge about Power BI Relationship.

Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2019 Q2
Is it weird if I see YAML everywhere?

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: How 5G will change your smartphone, and your life in 2019

Smile Corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-04-28)
Next Mapping Data Flow in Azure Data Factory (v2)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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