Tag "Wroclaw"

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ASF 025: Rob Farley interview

Introduction Rob Farley is a Microsoft Certified Master, Microsoft Certified Trainer and is a recipient of the Microsoft MVP Award for SQL Server since 2006. Rob provides consulting and training

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ASF 014: Itzik Ben-Gan interview

Introduction Itzik Ben-Gan is a Mentor and Co-Founder of SolidQ. A Microsoft Data Platform MVP (Most Valuable Professional) since 1999, Itzik has delivered numerous training events around the world focused

SQLDay 2018

The SQLDay conference happened this year again. The biggest conference about Microsoft Data Platform in that part of Europe and the only one organises by community. The formula is the

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BI Conference in Wroclaw

I would like to spread the word about a new conference which appears in my favourite city in Poland – Wroclaw. I’m talking to Jacek Biały, Business Intelligence Competency Center Manager

DevOps workshop during the SQLDay 2018 – SQLPlayer Team

Good news! We (Kamil and I ) are going to have a full day workshop during the upcoming SQLDay 2018 in Wrocław. The workshop is dedicated to DevOps in SQL Server.

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SQLDay 2017

Almost one month ago has been ended (15-17 of May 2017) one of the biggest conferences in that part of Europe. Speech of course about SQLDay Conference in Wroclaw, Poland.

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SQLDay 2015 summary [PL]

Hoho…. może podsumowanie to za dużo powiedziane. Na pewno jednak chcieliśmy wrzucić w jednym miejscu kilka linków dotyczących minionej konferencji we Wrocławiu. Aby jednak nawiązać choć trochę do tytułu posta