SQLDay 2017

SQLDay 2017

Almost one month ago has been ended (15-17 of May 2017) one of the biggest conferences in that part of Europe. Speech of course about SQLDay Conference in Wroclaw, Poland. The annual conference is taken every year about mid of may and is being organised by Data Community Poland.

As in a previous year, it has taken place in Centennial Hall (Hala Stulecia) and drew almost 800 attendees. It was a great event. We prepared 5 track within 61 regular sessions and 6 all day’s workshops during 3 days. Our main stars during the conference were:

They were leading whole day workshop on the first day of the conference (find the subjects at the end of this post) and a few regular sessions later on.

It is a tradition from some time that after the second day of the conference there is a party!
It was a fantastic opportunity to had a chat with many great speakers, have fun including dance, drink a bit, eat a lot (whichever you prefer and in whatever order) and so on.

Are you still wondering to attend next year? Don’t! As always it’s tonnes of knowledge, many great people to meet, great fun and good value for money. Put your comment below this post or send me an email – I will let you know when we gonna kick off a registration for the next SQLDay 2018.


> Videos on Channel 9

> Materials (soon again)



SQLDay 2017 in pictures

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Previous SQL Saturday #616 Kiev (pictures)
Next ASF 001: Brent Ozar interview

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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