Last Week Reading (2020-07-12)

Last Week Reading (2020-07-12)


Azure resource providers operations
List of all of the available ADF-specific RBAC permissions.

Simplifying declarative deployments in Azure
The power of What-If within ARM Template deployments.

Collecting custom parameters/variables for Azure Data Factory deployment
Great post from Rayis who is describing in details the process end-to-end.

Which database source control model works best for me?
Benefits and drawbacks of four methodologies.

SQL Server deployment options for Octopus Deploy
Great Alex’s comparison of all deployment options for Octopus.

MAXDOP is a Lie
Are you sure you are aware of how this option works in SQL Server?

Benchmarking Azure Synapse Analytics – SQL Serverless, using .NET Interactive
Single File or Multiple? Parquet vs CSV? Parallel or Series?

Encrypt Azure Data Factory with customer-managed keys
Security feature.

Moving A Database to New Storage With No Downtime
Very smart advice from smart Bob. Is it even possible? Check this out.

I want to skill up – but what do I learn?
Few Microsoft MVPs share their thoughts on what topics you should consider learning about.

ADF Adds Connectors for Delta Lake and Excel
Use ADF to natively read from Excel spreadsheets and use the data flow Delta connector (public preview) to create Delta Lakes, manage data transformations, updates, upserts, deletes using Delta.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO


Azure Data Factory | Publish from code with one task in DevOps Pipeline (2/2)

Smile Corner


Previous Publish ADF from code to further environments
Next Last Week Reading (2020-07-27)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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