Tag "JSON"

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Weeks Reading (2024-01-28)

📰 News Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 2 – Pipelines If you’re new in Microsoft Fabric – check this series and build it with Sam. Set up Azure

Azure Data Factory 6 Comments

Publish ADF from code to further environments

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

Publish ADF from code to service easily

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure

Azure Data Factory 14 Comments

ADF – Deployment from master branch code (JSON files)

In the previous episode, I showed how to deploy Azure Data Factory in a way recommended by Microsoft, which is deployment from adf_publish branch from ARM template. However, there is

Last Week Reading 2 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-10-27)

Hello and good morning! We have Tuesday morning, which means I experienced a delay in this post. But finally, it is out and have a look at how much stuff

Last Week Reading (2019-10-06)

Hello Azure/Power/BI/Data fella! Another two weeks passed very quickly and the new edition of Community conference in the UK is about to begin. Check whether you can attend one of

DevOps 40 Comments

Deployment of Azure Data Factory with Azure DevOps

In this blog post, I will answer the question I’ve been asked many times during my speeches about Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flow, although the method described here can

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Weeks Reading (2019-05-26)

It was tremendously extensive week for me (a week ago) when I spent time between two conferences: SQLDay (Wroclaw, Poland) and SQL Saturday #857 (Kiev, Ukraine). I’ve been helping and

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last Week Reading (2019-03-10)

Press Databricks-Connect – FINALLY! Do write your code in VS Code and run it remotely on Azure Databricks cluster. Automatically validate E-mail attachments with Flow and Power BI Send an

Last Week Reading 0 Comments

Last week reading (2018-07-29)

SQL: More on finding rows that have changed using HASHBYTES and FOR JSON PATH The title explains everything – Dr Greg Low shows it in practice. London Continuous Delivery –