DevOps workshop during the SQLDay 2018 – SQLPlayer Team

DevOps workshop during the SQLDay 2018 – SQLPlayer Team

Good news!

We (Kamil and I ) are going to have a full day workshop during the upcoming SQLDay 2018 in Wrocław. The workshop is dedicated to DevOps in SQL Server. We are going to cover topics like:

  • database projects – create, manage, deployment, store data in projects, what should be a part of the project and what should not be
  • handling CLR objects
  • migrate projects to Microsoft Azure
  • use hybrid approach
  • tSQLt testing
  • handle known issues
  • many more…

You can join us and spend the entire day exchanging knowledge and having fun with coding. The workshop agenda (in Polish) can be found here.

It is worth to mention that the SQLDay is the largest conference focused on Microsoft Data Platform – databases, Big Data, Business Intelligence and advanced data analysis. We are part of the organization committee. Please bear in mind that this conference is organized by the DataCommunity.PL – Data Platform community.



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SQLDay 2018

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