Last week reading (2018-02-11)

Last week reading (2018-02-11)

Good day SQL folks! Thanks for visiting our blog again!  I have just come back after almost 2 weeks of vacations and here you are – fresh, good content for the new week!

As it is early Monday morning – what could be better than a cup of coffee and great articles to read?

Have a great week!


Azure Cosmos DB Consistency

This article is all about the consistency on your Azure Cosmos DB. Take a look to learn how to set optimize the tradeoffs between consistency, availability, and performance.

Azure Cosmos DB Advanced SQL Queries

In this 12 minutes video done by Andrew Liu you will learn how to tune query performance and issue queries programmatically.

Apache Spark Connector for Azure Cosmos DB

Another video, and again 12 minutes only. Scott Hanselman talks to Emili Lawton about Azure Cosmos Db Spark Connector which enables Azure Cosmos DB to act as input source or output sink for Apache Spark jobs. Cool.

Serverless CQRS in Azure

The first article of a series about Projection Processing, Querying Materialized Views and a comparison with an Azure Function approach.

The Annals of Hilariously Bad Code, Part 1: Critique the Code

The very bad code posted by Erik Darling. Spend some time analyzing this antipattern before you go to part 2. And make a guess where the code comes from 🙂

The Annals of Hilariously Bad Code, Part 2

The code form part one (above) is now clean and fixed :).

Columnstore Indexes – part 119 (“In-Memory Columnstore Location”)

I love Niko’s blog series about the columnstore indexes. It is a must-read for all dba’s and dev’s.


By the way –  do not forget about our workshop we are going to deliver during the SQLDay!

The full agenda of the SQLDay will be announced at the beginning of March.



Previous Last week reading (2018-02-04)
Next ASF 007: Cathrine Wilhelmsen interview

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