SQLDay 2 Comments

DevOps workshop during the SQLDay 2018 – SQLPlayer Team

Good news! We (Kamil and I ) are going to have a full day workshop during the upcoming SQLDay 2018 in Wrocław. The workshop is dedicated to DevOps in SQL Server.

sp_send_dbmail fails with query result attached as file

Sometimes a message coming from SQL Server engine can be misleading and confusing. I had such cases many times and decided to put a post every time I meet it

CSV reader from SDU Tools

Greg Low from SQL Down Under released a new version of his tool called “SDU Tools”. The tool contains many interesting and useful functions and stored procedures you can use

TRUNCATE PARTITION in older version

Certainly, you have heard about TRUNCATE. On a table. Also probably you’ve already heard about TRUNCATE on partitions. This feature is in the latest version (latest, I mean 2016 as