Last week reading (2018-01-14)

Last week reading (2018-01-14)

The top 7 business benefits of establishing DevOps in your organization
No comments, find and understand the benefits.

Columnstore Indexes – part 116 (“Partitioning Specifics”)
What do you need to remember while migrating partitioned DWH tables into Columnstore Indexes? Check it out.

Critical SQL Server Patches for Meltdown and Spectre
Steve Jones’ [T] summarization of the latest worldwide processors issues, mainly from SQL Server perspective.

Upgrading SSIS projects, part I
Are you going to upgrade your SSIS projects to the latest version? Read it before.

Azure SSIS – How to Setup, Deploy, Execute & Schedule Packages
Paul Andrew [T] is going through the Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory v2 – explore SSIS as PaaS.

Azure Analysis Services Scale Out & Diagnostics (video)
Christian Wade [T] with Scott Hanselman [T] explain how the Scale Out in Azure Analysis Services works.

Redis vs. MongoDB: Comparing In-Memory Databases with Percona Memory Engine
Interesting comparison between two most popular, NoSQL databases engines.

8 Machine Learning Algorithms explained in Human language
If you starting in ML – those explanations might be more eatable.

Previous ASF 005: Marcin Szeliga interview
Next DevOps workshop during the SQLDay 2018 - SQLPlayer Team

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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