Last Week Reading (2019-03-24)

Last Week Reading (2019-03-24)

OMG! My brain almost blew up. All because of MVP Summit I’ve just returned from.
Obviously (due to NDA), I can’t tell you what I’ve seen and found out, tons of very interesting sessions, not only including those about Big Data Cluster. Believe me or not – the universe is expanding. This year is becoming even more interesting for me now.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at what’s new and publicly available.


Using docker named volumes to persist databases in SQL Server
Quick Andrew’s (T) post explains how to keep the databases automatically attached.

Visual Studio 2019 Launch Event
Learn more about that coming product.

Generating a Jupyter Notebook for Glenn Berry’s Diagnostic Queries with PowerShell
Discover the new possibilities of Azure Data Studio along with well-known scripts.

T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Roundup
Shane O’Neill (T) summarizes the topic about a cookie jar.

SQLBits – A World of Free SQL Server and Data Information Online
Dr Greg Low (T) opinions about that event (with a link to whole content).

Now available for preview: Workload importance for Azure SQL Data Warehouse
A CEO can have a higher priority with classifying requests.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Global Azure Bootcamp 2019

Smile Corner

Previous ASF 020 video invitation
Next ASF 020: Paweł Potasiński interview

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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