Last Week Reading (2019-09-08)

Last Week Reading (2019-09-08)

Hello all and welcome after my one month of my absence. What was I doing? Thank you for asking! I have been on holiday. ONE month of very relaxing, bit activity (running, walking on mountains) holiday. Oh, I almost forgot I drove over 4,000 miles. But. Already returned from holiday and grey prose of life mode has been switch on. I commenced a new job on Monday, 2nd of September, which is an exciting thing and, simultaneously, a very demanding period for me right now.
Nevertheless, let’s back to the weekly series and duties.


SQL Server 2019: Not your Grandpa’s SQL Server
Bob Ward (T) summarizes what version 2019 brings.

Azure Cosmos Capacity Calculator
Ever wanted to know the RU cost of just 1 read and write operation in Azure CosmosDB, without writing code?

Understand star schema and the importance for Power BI
Dimensions, facts, SCD and more according to power BI.

Visual Studio Code: Develop PySpark jobs for SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters
VS Code is all you need.

Multi-protocol access on Azure Data Lake Storage (preview)
Blob APIs now work with accounts that have a hierarchical namespace.

Return results to Caller
Check out this tweet how to pass something from Databricks to Azure Data Factory as a result of an activity.

SQL Server 2019 release candidate refresh with Big Data Clusters
RC refresh for SQL Server 2019 is now available to download.

What’s new for SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services RC1
Very well summarized up by Christian Wade.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Docs on Azure SQL Database Machine Learning Services

Smile Corner

Previous Speaking at SQL Saturday #898 Gothenburg
Next ASF 025 video invitation

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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