The next crucial step in my career

The next crucial step in my career

It’s Wednesday, 31st of July 2019. I will remember this day for a few reasons.

Not only that but the last 18 months I spent working with amazing people, in a unique atmosphere and work culture, where you feel that you can always count on the help of your team members. I’m really glad that I have been part of that.
I will miss out all of them.

Leaving ASOS

ASOS logo

Working as a Senior Data Engineer at ASOS, I have learned a lot over the last 1.5 years.
On the battlefield, I had to deal with such Microsoft Azure services as Azure SQL DW, Azure Data Factory (including Mapping Data Flow), Azure Databricks and more. I started learning Python and Scala when migrating current solutions to new environments in the Azure cloud and when building other processes, often called with buzzword #BigData.
This is where I, as a member of the team, successfully implemented deployment automation using shiny-new Azure DevOps for databases (SSDT), Integration Services (SSIS) packages and helped with much more…

I will remember the ASOS company for one more special reason.
It was during my work there, at the end of a long day filled with meetings, I sat in a corner of the audience room and started looking at emails on my mobile. Then, I was thrilled when I saw that email:

Great news. MVP Award.

Soon thereafter, we ended the day with a joint venture to the pub, where I shared this awesome information (for me) with the team.
The following photos have been taken on that day.

Thanks to you all, including all analysts I have been working with!


When I decided to finish my contract in ASOS, I haven’t known where I go afterwards.
Although there were some conversations with few companies – they were ongoing with no rush.
I knew that I wanted to spend the whole of August on holiday with my family and then begin something new or start looking for a new opportunity. So, I was not really looking for a new job actively. The job found me.

Joining ALTIUS

Altius logo

Namely: A very convincing lady, who really wants me to join the company. She was very patient answering my questions during many of our conversations (greetings to Sara!).
Although the decision was not easy (you know what I mean if you ever work as a contractor or self-employed person),
the offer given was very tempting. I made it. I’ve been hunted. And I feel good. Why?
I’m starting a new job at Altius as a Principal Microsoft Consultant.
New people, new challenges and a new position – all these factors will make this an exciting journey. I am convinced that everything will be fine.
I still will be working purely with Microsoft technologies utilizing and developing my skill sets even more.
I’m also very glad to admit that Altius will be supporting me during conferences, user groups, and other community activities, whereas I will do my best to help them growing and providing even higher quality and better services to their customers.
I love win-win situations.

Furthermore, I’m very proud that I will join among other friends MVP awarded in there:
James Dales (Practice Director) and Paul Andrew (Principal Consultant & Architect) who has recently revealed his transition from Adatis.
Also, I can not wait to meet other Altius employees. It is an amazing feeling to be able to work in such a good company.

Tough to say goodbye

Something ends, something new begins.
Changing the workplace is often difficult. For most of us and it’s normal, it’s OK. We get used to people, especially if they’re good at working with them. But time goes on, the environment changes, especially in the cloud.
What I am happy about is that with some, I will still see each other during events. My activity will remain unchanged or even increase. Although all this involvement in the community and work for free may seem strange to some people – that’s what makes me where I am and I have so many great friends from #sqlfamily. I recommend everyone to get out of their comfort zone and do “something more”, something “beyond”.
Do not say you do not have time. If you do not have time – do sleep less. Do you need to sleep for 8 hours? All right then, just sleep faster – as Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of my favourite actors, said.
In the meantime, I take off on holiday and see you soon!

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-07-28)
Next Speaking at SQL Saturday #898 Gothenburg

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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