Speaking at SQLSaturday #656 Denmark 2017

Speaking at SQLSaturday #656 Denmark 2017

On Saturday, October 7th, I’m speaking at SQLSaturday #656 Denmark 2017! I’m presenting Maintenance of a DB project and Continuous Delivery using SSDT.

I will unveil disadvantages of SSDT and how to work-around them. Also how to maintenance of a database project in the code repository, treat it as a master-version and do deployment evenly and frequently. We will face with the first-world-problem in SSDT, namely: circular dependency – it happens when databases have got references to each other. Further more, I will explain how work with data/dictionary tables – how to manage them, how and when deploy. The best practice from the field.
I will explain all these topics on the session focused on practical aspects of work with Microsoft Visual Studio Data Tools.

That will be double-exciting experience to have speech and speaker dinner on my birthday. Woohoo!
Will you attend SQLSaturday Denmark? Come and say hello when you see me.

Previous ASF 003: Stephanie Locke interview
Next SQL Saturday #656 Denmark (pictures)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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