
Podcast 0 Comments

ASF 004: Mark Broadbent interview

Introduction Mark Broadbent. Very active member of #SQLFamily, loves communicate via social media. Organizer of the very first SQL Saturday in United Kingdom – in Cambridge. Holder of very prestigious

Big Data 3 Comments

Functions in the USQL – the hidden gem in the Summer 2017 Update

Hello SQL Folks. We all love USQL for its great extensibility and how it makes our life easier in some particular “area of data”. There are a lot of things

General 1 Comment

SQLSaturday #656 Denmark – we were there!

It was a great weekend in Copenhagen. Kamil and I had the opportunity to give lectures during #656 SQL Saturday. I started in the morning talking about the U-SQL and

SQLSaturday 0 Comments

SQL Saturday #642 Sofia (pictures)

Link to this (past) event:   Pictures

SQL Saturday #656 Denmark (pictures)

Link to this (past) event:   Pictures

SQLSaturday 0 Comments

Speaking at SQLSaturday #656 Denmark 2017

On Saturday, October 7th, I’m speaking at SQLSaturday #656 Denmark 2017! I’m presenting Maintenance of a DB project and Continuous Delivery using SSDT. I will unveil disadvantages of SSDT and