Speaking at SQL Saturday #898 Gothenburg

Speaking at SQL Saturday #898 Gothenburg

In a week time from now, I will be landing in Gothenburg, Sweden. SQLSaturday #898 will take place over there and I gonna speaking as large as life.
I’m doubly happy because I will be there for the first time – either the city and the country.
Big thanks to Mikael Wedham who gave me that opportunity!

I gonna speak about Azure SQL DW during the session titled:

Move part of your body to Azure SQL Data Warehouse

If you never touched Data Warehouse in Azure it’s worth to understand MPP (Massively parallel processing) and see why a migration might resolve some issues and when is not a really good case. I explain the differences between traditional, on-premise Data Warehouse and the one in Azure. Obviously, as always, the live-demo is a must-have.
Please come and see me presenting this topic if you’re interested in.



As always, SQL Saturday events are free, so feel welcomed.
The event in Gothenburg has 18 sessions in 3 parallel tracks, classified on the following categories:

  • Application & Database Development
  • BI Platform Architecture, Development & Administration
  • Cloud Application Development & Deployment
  • Enterprise Database Administration & Deployment

Click here if you wanna check full agenda of Saturday.

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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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