Last Week Reading (2019-04-07)

Last Week Reading (2019-04-07)

Good morning guys and gals! This time many updates and articles from ADF field, so keep reading once you sit comfortably with coffee in a hand.


Handling Schema Drift in Azure Data Factory
It’s actually a video where Cathrine (T) presents Schema Drift feature.

DevOps In Azure With Databricks And Data Factory
(Almost) everything you need to know if you are interested in all these technologies (like me).

Dynamic File Names in ADF with Mapping Data Flows
See how to spread out the stream into many files. Explained by Mark Kromer (T).

Send Notifications from an Azure Data Factory Pipeline – Part 2
How to work around the lack of sending email activity?

What if the Actual Execution Plan was always available for any query?
Don’t you believe in that? Awesome news, isn’t it? Pedro Lopes (T) explains more.

How to develop and submit Spark jobs to SQL Server Big Data Clusters in IntelliJ
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ supports SQL Server Big Data Cluster Spark job development and submission.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Azure Data Factory SCD Type 1 with Mapping Data Flows

Smile Corner

Nothing funny I saw last week. Did you? Wanna help? Please do! Send a message on the Twitter, add #smilecorner tag and @SQLPlayer. Let’s have fun together!

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-03-31)
Next ASF 021 video invitation (Star Wars Theme)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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