Last Week Reading (2019-04-21)

Last Week Reading (2019-04-21)

Hello Data Folk! There is plenty of readings for this week, so grab a coffee and let’s start digging in!


Smarter, faster, safer: Azure SQL Data Warehouse is simply unmatched
Meet three additional enhancements that continue to make SQL Data Warehouse even better today.

Use ADF Mapping Data Flows for Fuzzy Matching and Dedupe
Fuzzy Matching with Spark Soundex function in ADF sounds interesting!

DevOps In Azure With Databricks And Data Factory
Sample project with whole CI/CD example code in Azure DevOps.

SQL For Cosmos DB – Tips and Tricks
Collected by Adam Aspin.

Azure Data Explorer
Watch what’s that data analytics service and how it can help in your scenarios.

Creating a custom kubectl plugin to connect to SQL Server in Kubernetes
Andrew (T) showed how to write kubectl plugin from scratch.

Executing Packages in an SSIS Catalog in a Container
Andy Leonard (T) briefly presents how to run SSIS packages using PowerShell.

BI Survey 19
Chris (T) reminds us that the largest annual survey of BI users in the world happens again. Take part in the survey.

Download and install sqlpackage
A new release of sqlpackage is now available on all platforms, fixes a number of reported issues. Version 18.2 (Build 15.0.4384.2)

ASF 021 video invitation (Star Wars Theme)
Check this trailer of the next episode of #AskSqlFamily podcast.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Power BI Get Data: Import vs. DirectQuery vs. Live

Smile Corner

Previous ASF 021 video invitation (Star Wars Theme)
Next ASF 021: Guy in a Cube interview (part 1)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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