Last week reading (2018-12-02)

Last week reading (2018-12-02)

Hello folks, This is a quick roundup of Internet posts from last week. Have a good reading!

Create and configure a self-hosted integration runtime
This solution allows you integrate your Azure environments with on-premises (or VM) machines.

Understanding log buffer flushes
Itzik Ben-Gan (T) explains what techniques worth to use when an OLTP-style workloads require high frequency and low latency.

How to handle SSRS multi-value parameter filtering in SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse
Bypass all the limitations of PDW or Azure SQL DW.

Azure Data Factory Data Flow: Building Slowly Changing Dimensions
SCD Type 2 – why not?! But do build it with Data Flow!

DataPlatformGeeks & SQLServerGeeks – YouTube channel
All webinars of our friends from India are recorded. You can find them all on youtube.

Three reasons why Windows Server and SQL Server customers continue to choose Azure
Julia White (T) is listing the most important benefits of choosing Azure.

Determine columns you don’t need using DMV’s in Power BI
Simple trick presenting how to find them – with Kasper de Jonge (T).

Analysis Services Tabular Best Practices – Part 3
Consider those tips collected out by Ginger Grant (T).

Previous Last week reading (2018-11-25)
Next Azure Data Factory v2 and its available components in Data Flows

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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