Photo by Kevin Hackert on Unsplash Last Week Reading (2019-12-29)

Last Week Reading (2019-12-29)

Hello boys & girls! This is the last post in “Last Week Reading” series in this decade. Can you believe that?
Have you had a good Christmas time? Have you had time for reading and learning? Twice “Yes” here.

Ooouuu… Happy New Year 2020! I wish you all your plans come true!!!


Series: Beginner’s Guide to Azure Data Factory
Cathrine wrote 25 posts in December. She is amazing.

Best Practices for Implementing Azure Data Factory
How Paul does it.

Fifteenth Blog Birthday
Chris Webb summaries last year.

SQLDay 2019 – sessions (video)
All recorded session will be available over there soon.

Snowflake for SQL Server Users
Dr Greg Low‘s eBook is available now. First part first 🙂

Power BI Helper December 2019 Feature Summary
The latest version of the tool is available. Thanks Reza!

Redgate: The 2019 State of SQL Server monitoring
Learn how 820 SQL Server professionals manage their estates.

Tool: CloudSkew
Mithun is writing an app that’ll help you create azure architecture diagrams for free.

The following articles/docs might be useful for those who prepare for exam AZ-203:
Create or update custom roles for Azure resources using Azure PowerShell
API Management caching policies
ASP.NET Session State Provider for Azure Cache for Redis
Track custom operations with Application Insights .NET SDK
Azure Service Bus Topic And Subscription (Pub-Sub)
Notification Hubs: Registration management
GitHub: Azure Search Jobs Website Sample using ASP.NET MVC
How to implement faceted navigation in Azure Cognitive Search
How to use Azure Cognitive Search from a .NET Application
Azure Search, The basics

A word from (former) Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Azure Virtual Machine Introduction

Smile Corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-12-22)
Next The recap of the passing year 2019

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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