Last week reading (2018-03-04)
Good day SQL folks! Thanks for visiting our blog again! It’s March already and we are looking for the Spring to come.
Columnstore Indexes – part 120 (“Merge Replication 2016-2017”)
If you are a columnstore index fan or if you use it on your daily basis than all Niko’s posts are just a must-read. I would like to remind you that Niko will have all day workshop during the sqlday conference in Poland. His workshop is on 14th May and the conference is on 15th and 16th May.
Use the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator for local development and testing
Finally! We can have an emulator to play with Cosmos DB locally. Once you are done with local development and satisfied with the result than you can just switch to your Azure account very easily! Great thing.
SQL queries for Azure Cosmos DB
I know you know that you can query the Cosmos DB using the “TSQL like” language. That is not a new thing. In this article, you can read about how to do it plus there is a video explaining all that stuff. And of course, I share a link to the Cosmos DB playground where you can run queries without setting up the database at all
Create your first function in the Azure portal
Don’t be afraid of Azure Functions. They are there waiting for you. You must be familiar with them. The sooner, the better. The blog post shows you how to start with them.
Video – 18 minutes. Jovan Popovic, Program Manager at Microsoft will explain do an introduction to the main features of Azure SQL Managed Instance
Check Chrissy LeMaires’s twitter (@cl) as she posts a ton of useful PowerShell scripts like this one. It automatically stops your XE Sessions at a specific time
Start-DbaXESession -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session 'Long Running Queries' -StopAt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(30)
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Press Azure resource providers operations List of all of the available ADF-specific RBAC permissions. Simplifying declarative deployments in Azure The power of What-If within ARM Template deployments. Collecting custom parameters/variables
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