Last Week Reading (2022-01-02)

Last Week Reading (2022-01-02)

? Press

Efficient Upserts into Data Lakes with Databricks Delta
When MERGE on data lake is inefficient.

Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure – part 1
With this post, Paul began the series about Data Mesh in Azure. Is that for you or your project? Check it out.

Configure key auto-rotation in Azure Key Vault (preview)
Now it can be done “automagically” for you, without additional efforts.

Azure Data Factory CI-CD made simple: Building and deploying ARM templates with Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines
Do automate your ADF deployment with YAML.

Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance Import/Export service takes a long time to import or export a database
Whatever you do, it’s just not working… sorry.

A (big) SQLPackage caveat
Indexed views are something you should be aware of when doing migration within BACPAC file.

YouTube Channel: Azure SQL
I’ve added this link to the other listed here.

Resolve Git Merge Conflict for SSIS Projects
How branching in a git repository to work with multiple developers on the same SSIS project.

? Upcoming events

Festive Tech Calendar 2021
1 Dec – 31 Dec 2021

Techorama 2022
May 23-25

? A word from Microsoft’s CEO

? Video

Use Asserts for Data Quality and Data Validation in ADF

? Smile Corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2021-11-28)
Next Database projects with SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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