BI Connected by SII – conference in Wrocław

Good day SQL folks! The conference season has begun. You can find very interesting conferences every week in almost every place in the globe. Of course you do not need

Auditing in Azure SQL Data Warehouse

The first article in a series on “Security Intelligence in Azure PaaS” inspired me to write something on auditing in Azure SQL Data Warehouse. To put it simply for anyone

Data Warehousing 18 Comments

SCD type 1 & type 2 in MERGE statement

In my previous article, I have explained what does the SCD and described the most popular types of Slowly Changing Dimensions. I also mentioned that for one process, one table,

Data Warehousing 1 Comment

Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)

In today’s article I’d would like to focus on Slowly changing dimension, aka SCD. Dimension is a word excerpted from data warehousing as such. Not without a reason SCD is used