Last week reading (2018-08-19)

Last week reading (2018-08-19)

Hi folks. I’m on holiday for 7 days (14 days left). The holiday is a perfect time for reading, right? Although I’m heading to Italy and writing this post in the car (don’t worry, my wife is driving), I prepared some interesting readings from passing week and added two new once today. Have a good week!

Creating Sparklines And Small Multiples In Power BI Using The Google Image Charts API
Chris Webb (t) presents this quite interesting trick, albeit don’t use that solution on Production.

Don’t do these things in SQL Server
My favourite part of this post and which I totally agree is ‘don’t use BETWEEN’ (for dates)

Introduction to PowerShell with SQL Server Using Invoke-SQLCMD
Learning PowerShell? This post is specifically useful if you want to migrate your batch script(s) into PowerShell.

Why Does My Select Query Have An Assert?
Usually, an assert is being happened when you modify something.

How I Configure SQL Server Management Studio
Interested how Brent Ozar (t) does configure his SSMS?

Execute Jars and Python scripts on Azure Databricks using Data Factory
10 minutes of video shows how to use Databricks script components in Azure Data Factory

Massive list of video sessions. Worth remember it. Find out more here on the blog.
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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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