Last Week Reading (2019-02-10)

Last Week Reading (2019-02-10)

Hello Data Folks! It has been a very fast week and an extensive weekend whilst I have been at SQL Saturday in Krakow, Poland. I did not submit any subject this time, so I turned on a relax-attendee-mode meeting with all friends and learning new stuff over there. More about it next time – now let’s have a look at what the data world brought us last week.


Two new Azure analytics GA releases, one preview and a big push on SQL DW
Not really true about ADF in public preview but fine with rest of the news.

Individually great, collectively unmatched: Announcing updates to 3 great Azure Data Services
Three updates about services: Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS), Azure Data Explorer (ADX), Azure Data Factory (ADF) – Mapping Data Flow.

New connectors added to Azure Data Factory empowering richer insights
ADF supports 80+ source connections. I told you they adding connection every month. Check these enhancements out.

Analyst Report: Data Warehouse in the Cloud Benchmark
Azure SQL DW vs. AWS Redshift, Snowflake, Google BigQuery benchmark. SQL DW is 2x faster than Redshift, 7x faster than Snowflake, 14x faster than BigQuery (and 17x cheaper too).

Azure DevOps Projects supporting Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Functions
CI/CD pipelines are available for these services.

Azure Stream Analytics now supports Azure SQL Database as reference data input
Another input (the most demand for users voted on UserVoice) for Stream Analytics is in public preview now.

Download and install sqlpackage
A new release of sqlpackage is now available on all platforms! This includes support for UTF8 collations, fixed significant schema compare performance issue, and moved to .NET Core 2.2.

SQL Server Community Slack – a new channel
With Chrissy LeMaire (T) help, I created a new public channel: #azure-data-factory. Come over and discuss.

SQL Saturday #824 Krakow
I have been at this event last week, meeting my polish and foreign friends. Presentations are ready to download.

Video: China’s rise in artificial intelligence

Smile Corner

This is brilliant, hence I decided to put this video here. Do you have these skills? Hit production! 😉

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-02-03)
Next ASF 019 video invitation

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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