Last Week Reading (2019-10-20)

Last Week Reading (2019-10-20)

Hello folks! 2 weeks passed but eventually, I have some news for you.


Support for Azure Databricks Instance pool for operationalizing Databricks workloads in Data Factory
Public Preview feature which helps to reduce cluster start by maintaining a set of idle, ready-to-use instances.

Using hash values in SSIS to determine when to insert or update rows
Merge only actually changed rows when loading to Data Warehouse.

Tabular Editor 2.8.6
If you’re doing a lot of scripting, this update is definitely for you.

Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory Namespace
The .Net SDK for Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flows is out!

SpendOps with Azure Cosmos DB
Very good post about Cosmos DB and taming of costs of the service. Look at the video below.

Automatically rotate through Power BI report pages on your browser
Very cool advice if you want to share reports in your company on monitors.

Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flows are now generally available
Yeah! Finally!

tempdb Enhancements in SQL Server 2019
Erin is testing CTP 3.2.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Real-life SpendOps with Azure Cosmos DB

Smile Corner

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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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