Last Week Reading (2019-01-20)

Last Week Reading (2019-01-20)

Hello folks! Good morning on Monday morning and let’s go through some interesting news from the #data world.


Using Docker to run Integration Tests for dbachecks
This time, my friend Rob (T) presents how to run Unit Tests and Integration tests against multiple versions of SQL Server. All things using VS Code and Docker only.

5 Reasons to Become an Apache Spark Expert
Are you an Apache Spark guru? Here are 5 reasons why you should become one.

Monitor your Azure Data Factory pipelines proactively with alerts (video)
In this video, Gaurav Malhotra presents a way of using integration events to create alerts.

PASS Insights: Azure Data Factory Data Flows (video)
Cathrine’s (T) 10 minutes video in a simple few steps explains how to use this new feature. BTW I love the fonts she used in the slides. Which one is that?

How to shoot yourself in the foot with Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Look what kind of activities/decisions you should avoid making your loads faster.

SQLBits conference needs more helpers
Annette (T) said: We are looking for more helpers for the Saturday at SQLBits. If you are interested – check the above link.

Azure Data Factory Data Flow – Cheat Sheet – ver.1.01
I updated my cheat sheet of ADF Data Flow on GitHub. Now it contains recently added transformations like Pivot, Unpivot and Window.


A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: AI-powered robot for future Mars exploration

Smile corner

Previous Last Week Reading (2019-01-13)
Next 17 months of podcasting - recap

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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