ADF and passwords with Azure Key Vault & set up GIT

ADF and passwords with Azure Key Vault & set up GIT

Have you worked with ADF yet? Did you configure the GIT code repository to automatically upload all changes to having your own isolated branch during development? If not yet, in this video I will show you how to do it. Finally, we will build a simple pipeline that copies files to show you how to configure Linked Service to retrieve the password (keys) from Azure Key Vault and avoid storing that information in ADF code, JSON files.

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Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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  1. RS
    February 13, 01:20 Reply

    Timely and useful video; so much easier to follow than reading the documentation.

    • Kamil Nowinski
      February 21, 17:49 Reply

      Thanks, I appreciate it. Definitely it’s easier to watch than read 😉

  2. RSH
    March 27, 15:47 Reply

    Hello Kamil, thanks for the video. You explained in very easy way and able to understand each point along with usefulness. Thanks again.

  3. Yash
    August 01, 19:15 Reply

    Hi Kamil,
    Thanks for video.

    Do we have any preferred way to use KeyVault Secret inside the ADF pipelines task.

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