SQLGrillen 2017
History of certain photos…
Oughh… some time has gone, I know. Anyway, only now, at the beginning of new year and exactly a half year after the event, I found a piece of time to sort out all my photos of the year 2017. After that work I realized that photo album from the event are already on my Facebook profile (as all albums on this blog comes from Facebook and they are synchronizing automatically), hence I could put this post before, without unnecessary delay. OK, nothing lost – I needed work this out anyway.
What happened in 2017 in Lingen?
The event has taken place on Friday, 2nd of June 2017 and it was my first conference in Germany (AFAIR). The time right now is a very good moment for reminiscences. Why? Because the Call for Speakers is still opened until 31st of January 2018, so not many time left. Especially as the organizers have opened entirely new track called “NEWCOMER”. If you are a new speaker or need help – submit your session on this track. It’s including a speaker mentor and moral support.
Last year (2017) during the event was/were/or I experienced:
- Third edition of SQLGrillen (the very first time has had a place in 2015)
- 4 tracks, 28 sessions (over 130 session submissions) and 140 attendees
- Stephanie Locke [T] birthday
- Alex Yates [T] has received breathtaking news (MVP award)
- I saw dbatools and Pester (for the first time) in action (actually, I started loving #PowerShell)
- BBQ dinner after the event was absolutely awesome!
- as always, I met some old and new friends – best regards to:
- a trip from London to Germany by car is probably not the best option (thanks Janusz [T] for company)
Thanks William [T] for creation such as great event!
More info: SQLGrillen 2017, @SQLGrillen, website
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