Last week reading (2018-01-07)

Last week reading (2018-01-07)

Thanks for visiting the page. Hope you will find some time to read great articles I have found for you.

Here you are – this week readings. Start reading on Monday morning –

Zones in Data Lake

You know I do really like ADL concept + USQL hence you should not be surprised that a new great article is mentioned here in the first place. Take a look there and you will see how the Data Lake is organized internally. Plus you should read other articles from @SQLChick blog about the ADL.

Database scoped optimizing for ad hoc workloads

Joseph Sack is back explaining how the “optimize for ad hoc workloads”  works at the SQL Server instance scope. What is even more important the OPTIMIZE_FOR_AD_HOC_WORKLOADS option now enables the database scope in Azure SQL Database.

Making parallelism waits actionable

Another great entry by Pedro Lopes. He mentioned this during the PASS last year (November). The goal is how to make parallelism waits more actionable. You might guess that this is about the lovely CXPACKET wait type. Take a while and read about an actionable CXPACKET and negligible CXCONSUMER.

Breakpoint debugging of Spark jobs on Azure HDInsight

Tired of reading so far? I can understand that. It is Monday morning… Take a break and spend 11 minutes 13 seconds watching the video about how you can use your favorite developer tools to debug Spark applications.

SQL: Best Way to Scale SQL Server Database Performance

Get Greg Low’s advice about SQL Server database performance. Greg has done an excellent job – he has rated performance problems by cause and has explained what is the big problem. I agree with him.

Partition and scale in Azure Cosmos DB

You can read and watch this blog post. You can read because the partitioning and scaling topic is explained in great details. Plus bonus video where Scott Hanselman talks to Azure Cosmos DB Principal Engineering Manager, Shireesh Thota about partitioning and partition keys




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