Tag "Data Warehouse"
Last week reading (2018-04-08)
Good morning folks, We (me & Damian) are preparing our workshop which will take place at SQLDay conference in Wroclaw (time is ticking, sooooo fast), but in the meantime I’d
Last week reading (2018-02-04)
Joe Caserta: Exploring Modern Data Platforms What is a key difference between data warehousing and modern data engineering on analytics platforms? Listen to one of the leading authorities on big data
SCD type 1 & type 2 in MERGE statement
In my previous article, I have explained what does the SCD and described the most popular types of Slowly Changing Dimensions. I also mentioned that for one process, one table,
Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
In today’s article I’d would like to focus on Slowly changing dimension, aka SCD. Dimension is a word excerpted from data warehousing as such. Not without a reason SCD is used