Speaking at SQLBits in March 2019

Speaking at SQLBits in March 2019

I’m super excited about the fact I’ll be speaking at SQLBits this year. It’s my first time as a speaker at that fantastic event and 3rd time as a volunteer. Looking forward to it! As always, it will be grueling and very well spent time among other fantastic speakers, friends and #sqlfamily members in general.

SQLBits is coming up so fast – the event will take place between 27th February and 2nd March 2019 in Manchester. Don’t you have a budget? It’s not a problem – Saturday is completely free, so reject all excuses and register now.

Saturday, 1:45 pm. See you?

I’m speaking on conferences since 2014, but this, as I mentioned, will be my first time on SQLBits. What topic do I cover during my session? For 50 minutes, I will talk about the new feature in Azure Data Factory: Mapping Data Flow. The feature is still in a private preview stage, so you might have not seen it yet, but I can assure you that you would be interesting those capabilities which may replace SSIS in the future.

Azure Data Factory v2 with (Mapping) Data Flows Capabilities

Microsoft’s services in Azure helps us to leverage big data more easily and even more often accessible for non-technical users. Having UI in ADF version 2 – Microsoft added a new feature: Data Flow which resembles components of SSIS. This is a very user-friendly and non-code approach tool-set.
But, has that been only UI introduction? Why and how Databricks does work under the hood?
Do you want to know this new (still in private preview) feature of ADF and reveal the power of modern big data processes without knowledge of such languages like Python or Scala?
We will review this new feature of ADFv2, do deep dive to understand the mentioned techniques, compare them to SSIS and/or T-SQL and learn how modelled data flow runs Scala behind the scenes.

I commence my session on Saturday @ 1:45 pm in room 1 (called “Cagey Joe”).
Please come and say hi. You’re more than welcome!
PS. If you still not sure whether to come or not – take a look at these videos or check that post out.


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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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